Heal Your Hormones Mastermind
The Heal Your Hormones Workshop will take you through the WHY's of your changing body as you approach perimenopause/menopause. If you cannot figure out why your cycles are all over the place, your sleep is interrupted, you are gaining weight around your middle section and your mood swings more than you'd like to admit, take a seat and get ready to take in all the information to regain control of your well-being!
The Heal Your Hormones Workshop will take you through the WHY's of your changing body as you approach perimenopause/menopause. If you cannot figure out why your cycles are all over the place, your sleep is interrupted, you are gaining weight around your middle section and your mood swings more than you'd like to admit, take a seat and get ready to take in all the information to regain control of your well-being!
The Heal Your Hormones Workshop will take you through the WHY's of your changing body as you approach perimenopause/menopause. If you cannot figure out why your cycles are all over the place, your sleep is interrupted, you are gaining weight around your middle section and your mood swings more than you'd like to admit, take a seat and get ready to take in all the information to regain control of your well-being!
For women ages 35+ who want to understand why they are experiencing changes in weight, mood, energy and more!
The conversations around hormones, diet, stress and weight are everywhere along with a lot of misinformation. I want to provide clarification facts/science to what happens to women's bodies as they enter perimenopause (usually between ages 35 & 45 and lasts for up to 10 years) and discuss necessary lifestyle practices to help combat unavoidable hormone shifts that often lead to weight gain, insomnia, and mood swings to name a few...
Women (especially ages 35+) who have experienced low energy, mood swings, weight gain (especially around the middle), irregular cycles, extreme PMS, brain fog and feelings of overwhelm of where to start. This class is for those women who want to regain their confidence and sense of well-being.
* Why you do not feel like you used to even though you try to focus on your health
*Why you are experiencing the above symptoms
*How to support your hormones through diet/lifestyle to feel your best
*The best forms of exercise for fat loss
*How to eat to maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism and combat aging
*Optimize productivity by syncing with your cycle
*Tips on creating a morning routine that supports hunger hormones, blood sugar, sleep cycles, and metabolism
*A fitness routine for healing hormones and revving up fat burning
*How to eat to support fat burning without restrictive dieting
*Protein Meal Guide