Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl


prep time: 5 minutes | Makes 1 serving

1 cup frozen cauliflower

1 frozen ripe banana

1/2 cup yogurt

1 scoop Wellmade Restorative Balance

1 tbsp unsweetened Cocoa Powder

2 tbsp peanut butter

1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt

1 tbsp maple syrup (if you want more sweetness)

1 - 1 1/2 cups non-dairy milk

Combine all ingredients into a high powered blender and use the tamper to move mixture around. BLend until smooth and top with crunchy goodies like cacao nibs, coconut chips or granola.


Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie BOwl


Blueberry Muffin Smoothie Bowl