Super Food Sweet Potato Bowl

sweet potato bowl.jpg

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Serves: 1

1 cooked & peeled sweet potato (warmed up if cooked ahead)

1/4 - 1/2 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (Coconut is delish here)

2 cups spinach

1 scoop WEllmade Restorative Fortify

1 tbsp. Coconut butter or almond butter

1/2 tsp cinnamon

pinch sea salt

1/2 cup berries

granola or nuts

  1. Combine the sweet potato, spinach, milk, Fortify, coconut butter, cinnamon and salt in a blender. Blend until smooth but do not over blend.

  2. Scoop sweet potato mixture into a bowl and top with fresh berries, granola and more nut butter if desired.


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